Friday, September 30, 2011

Response to Census count finds decreasing white population in 15 states by the Washington Post

Article Here

If you consider yourself American, you can be a white American or a black American, or any flavor of skin color in between. Likewise if you consider yourself Hispanic, you can be a white Hispanic, or a black Hispanic or any in between.

Hispanic only means that you identify your origins as having come from a Latin American country.

Now, the feeling of inferiority that gurudev16 talks about, has nothing to do with skin color and more to do with economics. If you make good money you don't feel inferior. You are doing well and enjoying life. Instead you feel pitty for all the poor folk around you that aren't as enlightened as you are, whether they be white, black, brown or any other physical trait one cares to assign to people.

So I agree, lets get over the whole skin color classification and focus on economic and educational distinctions and values. Our nation is becoming poorer, not because we are less white, but because we are less smart.

I'm a computer scientist, I write programs for a living, my salary is very high, and in my department there is only one American white person because he was smart enough to go into a technical field and not lure himself into a business degree with false hopes of making it big on wall street. The rest in my department are Hispanic and Indian because there weren't any other qualified candidates available.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Free Speech, No More

We have a problem today with our democratic system. It seems that elections now go to the folks who can scream the loudest and say the most outrageous things, and then of course there is the issue of money. Those with the most money, have the most "Free Speech" and does with less money, they usually lose.

Our constitution provides for free speech, yet to reach millions of people you need millions of dollars. If you do not have millions of dollars, you do not have free speech. Yes It is possible to post a video on YouTube, or hope to get air time from the media, those are usually free (unless you pay for prime spots, key words, search results, etc.). And again we are going back to how money is influencing politics. This of course is a shame, good ideas should be influencing politics not money.

So I have a simple solution. Politicians complain when you try to curb how much money they can raise and spend on a campaign. They usually site an infringement on their free speech rights when you try to prevent how much money they raise, and usually win in court. So I say remove all restrictions on how much money can be raised by politicians. Even remove the personal contribution limit. And create one new law, a law that states that any politician who buys an ad, airs a message, rents a space for a speech, must also buy an equal amount of the same for their opponent to get their message out.

This way people always hear both sides of the message, there is no infringement on free speech, instead there is really some free speech, and people get to choose based on the best idea, not the person who has the most money.