Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blocked Boy at Northeastern University

Here is a video parody of what it was like being a student at Northeastern University and being blocked due financial reasons. With tuition rising each and every year, its a wonder I was able to graduate.

It's a shame that the government can bailout business when they run into trouble. Do you remember the airline bailout of 2002 - 2004, when the government guaranteed loans for some of the major airlines. And now what about the mortgage industry, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

I thought we were a government of the people, for the people. Not a government of the business for the business with the people's money! I wish my government had been there for me and offered government backed loans to cover all of my tuition expenses when I needed the help.

I guess that is too much to hope for unless I am a big business going under due to my own bad practices. In all fairness to the airline industry, I do understand they needed the help after what happened September 11th, 2001.

Enjoy the video, especially the performance at the end.

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